Mary C. Gentile, PhD: Creator/Director of Giving Voice To Values and Richard M. Waitzer Bicentennial Professor of Ethics, University of Virginia, Darden School of Business

What does your work look like, and what have you been working on lately?

I have created an innovative approach to values-driven leadership development called Giving Voice To Values (GVV) and I spend most of my time speaking, consulting, writing and sharing this approach with business, engineering, healthcare education and companies and organizations (U.S. Military, UNODC, etc.) around the world. 

How has your career path unfolded?

I started my career in leadership and management and ethics education with 10 years at Harvard Business School (1985--1995), spent 5 years at Babson College and now am faculty at UVA Darden School of Business. I developed GVV about 15 years ago with support from The Aspen Institute and Yale School of Management. I spend all my time on sharing GVV now.

How did you get into the field of Public Interest Technology (PIT)?

Although I have spent the majority of my professional career in business education and business consulting, I have found my work moving into engineering education and engineering-based companies over the past few years. It was a natural fit to bring my focus on values-driven leadership and ethics into this arena.

If students are interested in pursuing a career in PIT, where might they start?

I suggest that students spend some time with self-assessment, figuring out what their most deeply felt values are and what issues they are most passionate about. This can be done by reflecting on choices made and interests in the past, as well as by reading about and interviewing  professionals in fields you feel you may be interested in. The  most important thing is to understand that you have more choices than you may think. Approaches like GVV can help you to realize this potential. Believe in yourself!


Ken Fleischmann, Professor, School of Information, UT Austin


Cara Karter, Research Associate, mRelief